Solution Bridge Company Limited (SOBRI) is a for-profit socio-economic entity based in the United Republic of Tanzania (URT). The Company is established in 2022 under Section 15 of the Companies Act, No. 24 of 2002 and fully incorporated in the Business Registration and Licensing Authority (BRELA) with incorporation certificate no. 156 185 036. SOBRI is limited to liability by shares and aspires to emerge as a leading force in Agriculture Commercialization across the Value Chain.

  • The company is highly recognized for brightening clients’ future by selling a fresh eye to opportunities and resources through consulting services.
  • It envisions a business environment where gaps and Solutions are Bridged catalyzing implementation of the Africa we want (Agenda 2063) and SDGs of the Agenda 2030.
  • The company is committed to Bridge Business gaps and thrives to commit its mission in providing Solution to Investors in Livestock and Agriculture addressing food security.

The company is highly recognized for delivering consultancy services to clients in several areas of development. These include and are not limited to technical expertise and skills.



This project is located Nguruka-Uvinza-Kigoma, in which the project occupies 500 Acres of land.
According to the project plan 2024/2025 only 100 Acres will be cultivated, with expectation of harvesting almost 70000 tones of Tobacco. The operation team is proceeding with clearing the form , buldings curering burners and other related activities


In consideration of the challenge of Unemployment to Youth, the company is hold a varity of projects conserning youth empowerment.
one of the project expected to start on O1/05/2024 about 500 youth will be given new motorcycle (bodaboda) unders special formal constact for their selfreliance and householding income.

APA PROJECT Supports Education, health, climate mitigation, water, sanitation and Hygiene, digital literacy, agriculture, disaster response, market mobilization, humanities and inclusion.


Land Survey, Site and Building leasing, Services such as Restaurants, Hotels and Resorts, Event and Conference Centers, Farm land and layout,Landscaping


where the society holds value. In its CSR Commitment, the company provides a significant percent of its revenue to promote socio development. The company also provides technical support across its consulting services as its in-kind contribution to social development.


Education support, Health Food assistance PWDs & Special Grps Water and Sanitation Disaster Response & Management

  • All
  • field
  • Offical
  • project

C.E.O of in one among the Consultancy activity

C.E.O of attedend the Meeting purposely to make partinership with WB

CEO & Mr. bokasa katika picha ya pamoja
baada ya mazungumzo na mkurugenzi wa MKWAWA LEAF mr.George.

Jengo la ofisi

SOBRI staff visted the Farm at Nguruka for Tobaco Project

Mr.Nkaniye & Erenest ivestigating the farm for Tobacco project



consultancy with Lake Tanganyika WB